The Digital Future of the Media: a Systems Theory Perspective

  • Martin Emmer Freie Universität Berlin
Keywords: Digitalization, media system, social media logic, platforms, data, systems theory


Digitalization is affecting all systems of modern society. The media system, one of the core system that serves to observe all other systems, is playing a special role in this process: it was one of the first that underwent a dramatic transformation due to the application of digital technologies on all levels and in all phases of production, distribution and consumption of information. Furthermore, as a result of its special role in society, this transformation of the media system also affects how we deal with the digitalization of our societies on a very general level. This article discusses three basic elements of digitalization that help us better understand this deep-going impact of digital media in society. First, it looks into the technical foundation of digitization to recognize how far-reaching the current digitalization processes are. Second, the consequences of the new digital paradigm for information distribution – with a particular focus on social media and the emergence of new platform-based intermediaries – and the role of data as a medium of interaction are discussed. One main conclusion is that traditional ways of analysing current societies need an update, as digitization is opening up completely new ways of interaction in and between subsystems of society.


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Author Biography

Martin Emmer, Freie Universität Berlin

Ph.D., professor (Berlin, Germany)


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How to Cite
EmmerM. (2020). The Digital Future of the Media: a Systems Theory Perspective. Communications. Media. Design, 5(1), 5-17. Retrieved from
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