Robotization of News Journalism in Russia: New Principles of Editorial Work and Transformation of Journalistic Ethics

  • Egor Mikhailovich Isaev National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Maria Viktorovna Kokoreva RBC
Keywords: robotic journalism, data journalism, journalistic ethics, convergent journalism, precision journalism, algorithmic journalism


The purpose of this research is to point out the changes in journalistic ethics in Russia (in particular, the problem of fact-checking and responsibility for materials) caused by its robotization. We describe this through analyzing the media's editorial policy, their practice in creating a media content by algorithms, as well as a number of expert interviews with respondents who have encountered or face the processes of media robotization within their sphere of work. Potential benefits of the media industry from the introduction of algorithms in the work of the editorial staff and future revision of journalistic ethics do not inspire trust in Russian media. The responsibility remains on the journalists' shoulders not only because of the vulnerability of the algorithm in Russian realities, which developers can not yet bring to the relevant level of performance, and distrust of journalists to the direction, but also the attitude to the algorithm as a tool with which people can only simplify their work.


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Author Biographies

Egor Mikhailovich Isaev, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Lecturer on Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, Higher School of Economics

Maria Viktorovna Kokoreva, RBC

Correspondent RBC


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How to Cite
IsaevE. M., & KokorevaM. V. (2019). Robotization of News Journalism in Russia: New Principles of Editorial Work and Transformation of Journalistic Ethics. Communications. Media. Design, 4(3), 85-102. Retrieved from
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