Dynamics of the Main Communicative Practices of Russians

  • Igor Veniaminovich Zadorin ZIRCON Research Group; Center for Complex Social Studies of the RAS
  • Anastasia Dmitrievna Saponova ZIRCON Research Group, HSE
Keywords: communicative practices, communication, trust in the media, representative mass survey, monitoring


This article presents complex dynamic of Russian’s communicative practices, based on the ZIRCON Research group monitoring data for the period 2009-2019. Authors highlight three main communicative trends: 1) including new users in digital sphere; 2) appearing of the new communicative practices and redistribution of the audience among different media channels; 3) decreasing trust in Russian media (state TV and radio, newspapers and magazines) and in information from Internet sources as well. At the same time the level of trust in information from social networks and search systems (Google News, Yandex.Novosti) was not changing. It also provides justification for the representative mass survey as a valid method for the research of some communicative practices.


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Author Biographies

Igor Veniaminovich Zadorin , ZIRCON Research Group; Center for Complex Social Studies of the RAS

Head of the ZIRCON Research Group; Senior Researcher at the Center for Complex Social Studies, Institute of Sociology of the RAS

Anastasia Dmitrievna Saponova, ZIRCON Research Group, HSE

Trainee-researcher at the ZIRCON Research Group,  Master’s Programme Student at the Faculty of Social Studies, HSE


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How to Cite
Zadorin I. V., & Saponova A. D. (2019). Dynamics of the Main Communicative Practices of Russians. Communications. Media. Design, 4(3), 48-68. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/10167
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