The Most Known Contemporary Philosopher: Jurgen Habermas 90 Years Old!

  • Nikolay Alexandrovich Golovin Saint Petersburg State University
Keywords: Social Philosophy, Theoretical Sociology, Frankfurt School of Sociology, Language Philosophy, Theory of socialization, Juergen Habermas


An article, related to the 90th anniversary of the largest contemporary social philosopher and sociological theorist Jürgen Habermas, examines the significance of his work for social thought. The features of his socialization in his youth as an intellectual of the generation of 1945 in post-war Germany are revealed. The article assesses Habermas’s theoretical position in the framework of the critical theory of the society of the Frankfurt school and his contribution to updating its ideological foundations, which consists in solving the issue of the modern subject of history, which is defined as a public discourse on the rules of ethics in a democratic society. The sociological substantiation of freedom and the little-studied facts of the formation and development of his philosophy of morality and ethics of discourse are analyzed, the sources of which are indicated in his anniversary (2019) report on the relationship of morality and ethics (Kant, Hegel, Marx). It is proved that Habermas, as a direct participant in the linguistic turn in the social sciences, used not only Anglo-American linguistic thought in his work, but also the democratic tradition in the German philosophy of the Enlightenment. His social theory was influenced by the philosophical and anthropological substantiation of freedom, acquired by man along with natural acquisition of speech, that was made by the German philosopher-educator I. Herder. The significance of Habermas's work for a critical study of the Russian version of late capitalism is determined. The discussion in the social sciences about the importance of differentiating philosophy from religion is predicted according to the new Habermas book “Also the history of philosophy” (2019).


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Author Biography

Nikolay Alexandrovich Golovin , Saint Petersburg State University

Candidate of Sciences, (Philosophy), Dr. Sci (Sociology), Professor of the Faculty of Sociology, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)


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How to Cite
Golovin N. A. (2019). The Most Known Contemporary Philosopher: Jurgen Habermas 90 Years Old!. Communications. Media. Design, 4(3), 5-21. Retrieved from
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