Review Process

All scientific articles submitted to the Editorial will proceed through a mandatory double-blind peer-review procedure.


Before submitting a manuscript, make sure that all ethical standards and rules for submitting manuscripts for publication are met. Manuscripts that do not meet the rules will be returned to the Author with the appropriate notification.


Manuscripts can be submitted via the functionality of the Journal's website or using mailbox:, addressed to the executive secretary of the Journal Dmitrii Onegov.

The Editorial will review articles for compliance with the profile and formal requirements of the publication. If the article will not comply, it will not be accepted, with the immediate notification to the author.

All manuscripts that meet the formal requirements are sent to Reviewers. The Editorial is responsible for the professional competence of the Reviewers. Manuscripts in English are checked by specialists who speak the language at a sufficient level to make an objective comprehensive assessment of the text.

The review procedure is anonymous for both the Author and the Reviewer.

The terms of consideration of manuscripts by the Editorial and Reviewers depend on the volume of work.

The article may be recommended for publication without changes, for minor or major changes, or not recommended for publication.

If the manuscript is returned, the Editorial sends the Author of the submitted materials copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal. If the decision is positive, the Author should send two files to the editorial office - a revised article and responses to reviewers' comments in tabular form or in a list. The reviews are kept in the editorial office archive for 5 years.

The Editorial promises to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request to the Editorial office of the publication.

After making all the recommended edits and agreeing on the final version of the text, the article undergoes a proofreading and correction procedure (carried out for the Russian text and all English-language components).

After completion of the preparation, the manuscript can be published in one of the following issues of the journal.