Image of the Enemy at the News Tage of Russian-US Confrontation: Tools of Information War

  • Alexandra Romanovna Borisova Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: information war, the image of the enemy in international relations, Russian-American relations, media, social media, US domestic policy


The relevance of the topic is determined by the scientific need to develop theoretical and methodological approaches to an in-depth study of non-military methods of Western countries’ pressure on their political, ideological and economic opponents. The focus of this study is on modern tools for conducting the US information war against Russia. To identify the nature, content and principles of these tools’ interaction with internal political system factors in the USA, the author of the article performs a number of tasks. I.e.: reveals the evolution of the “information war” concept in American strategic documents, accomplishes a brief comparative analysis of old and new methods of its conduct on the basis of worsening relations between Russia and the United States, describes a set of rhetorical markers of forming the image of the "enemy", implemented by the US to rogue-states in the post-bipolar era. The research uses system analysis approach to international relations studies (elaborated at IMEMO), which allows to reveal mechanisms and goals of information war tools’ usage in the context of political transformations in the USA.


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Author Biography

Alexandra Romanovna Borisova, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences

PhD in Political Science, Research Fellow at the Center for North American Studies at Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO) (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
BorisovaA. R. (2019). Image of the Enemy at the News Tage of Russian-US Confrontation: Tools of Information War. Communications. Media. Design, 4(2), 115-128. Retrieved from
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