The New Cold War Narrative in American and Russian Media in 2019 (The New York Times, Usa Today, Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta)

  • Pavel Gennadevich Koshkin Institute for USA and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: New Cold War, media, U.S.-Russia relations, content analysis, discourse analysis, New York Times, USA Today, Kommersant, Rossyiskaya Gazeta, analytic philosophy, neorealism, critical theory, postmodernism


The article deals with the role of Russian and American media in shaping today’s Moscow-Washington relations. Although the press has a limited influence on both countries’ foreign policy, it still does have an impact on the perception of Russia in America and, vice versa, the U.S. in Russia. The in-depth analysis of the materials published at the websites of Russian and U.S. newspapers — Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, The New York Times, USA Today — indicates that media frequently used the term “Cold War” between January and June 2019, with journalists and newsmakers viewing the current U.S.-Russia conflict as “a new Cold War”. Initially, in 2014 it was just a metaphor, yet now it is turning into the term that describes the current state of the relations between two countries, while a new Cold War is gradually becoming part of today’s geopolitical reality.

The methodology of the article includes content analysis, discourse analysis of publications in the mentioned media as well as the method of interdisciplinary research, with the media factor in U.S.-Russia relations explained through the lens of philosophy and political science. The novelty of the article is an attempt to understand how Russian and American media are exploiting the new Cold War narrative and reshaping the global agenda in the times of the confrontation between two countries. In addition, the author tries to analyze the current discourse of U.S.-Russia relations from the positions of analytic or linguistic philosophy, neorealism, critical theory, postmodernism. 



This article has been prepared with support from the RAS Presidium fundamental research program "Analasys and Forecast of new global challenges and opportunities for Russia in 2018-2020, project “U.S. security policy in today’s world and the Russian-American relations”.


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Author Biography

Pavel Gennadevich Koshkin, Institute for USA and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


Research Fellow, Institute for USA and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Associate Professor, Institute for Social Sciences, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
Koshkin P. G. (2019). The New Cold War Narrative in American and Russian Media in 2019 (The New York Times, Usa Today, Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta). Communications. Media. Design, 4(2), 94-114. Retrieved from
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