Ukraine's Political Images in Russian Online Media Space

  • Iulia Vadimovna Nikolaenko
Keywords: discourse, media, lifestyle, news, topic modelling, conflict


This study aims at analysing how the Ukrainian conflict changed the discourse structure of the Russian online media space. In this context, different types of the media publications have been chosen as the channel and the main source of informational styles (Thompson 1987; Van Dijk, 1985). This paper considers the representation strategies of political topics from different discourses in the space of internet resources, on the example of various thematic online lifestyle and news media publications: men’s and women’s magazines, tabloid, lifestyle, pro-government, stakeholders and oppositional. The use of topic modelling and discourse analysis revealed what topics are used or not included in the discourse by the media for the Ukraine representation. The hypothesis suggests that media resources will use different linguistic strategies (style and topics selection) to represent Ukraine in their articles. This concept denies the homogeneity of the media space and states that different information styles and media ideology are significantly changing representation of the strategies.  The analysis shows that lifestyle media follows cultural language codes common to their audience, including political discourse about Ukraine through personal stories and issues, such as LGBT rights, popular culture and migration. News media uses the strategies of absent arguments and quotes of those agents that reflect the ideological orientation of this publication. As a result, the study reveals how major political events affect the Russian media space and whether oppositional online outlets manage to maintain an independent position.



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Author Biography

Iulia Vadimovna Nikolaenko

MA in Comparative Social Research (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
NikolaenkoI. V. (2019). Ukraine’s Political Images in Russian Online Media Space. Communications. Media. Design, 4(1), 104-123. Retrieved from
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