Globalization and Digitalization: Asymmetry of Media Technologies and the Implications for Media Space

  • Irina Vasilievna Novikova Belorussian State Technological University
Keywords: globalization, digitalization, media technologies, digital platforms, databases


The article is devoted to the problems of transformation of model of the world economy globalization, which arose in the course of the evolution of market state-formed systems. Globalization as a product of evolution has resolved the contradictions of market systems in the XX century, bringing together regional markets and creating international production systems. The digitalization of the economy in the first quarter of the XXI century and the emergence of digital platforms had a significant impact on changing the model of globalization of the world economy. Digital transformation has created a new paradigm of development — the digital economy. This is a new ecosystem of relationships between traditional factors of production, united by a single information environment and leading to a reduction in transaction costs through the use of digital technologies. The stage of ecosystems competition is coming, it is stage competition of integrated digital platforms. Platforms have come in the stead of transnational corporations where dominate not a production system, but software products. The global media space, in its turn, is a product of globalization of the world economy. And its change causes the transformation of media technologies. In the coming global digital economy the economic outline that will be the fastest to break forward in the number and quality of digital platforms integrated into a single ecosystem will win. And a significant role in these processes will belong to PR-technologies. Modern PR marketing strategy today is focused on the mobile client, involves the development of appropriate content, committed to round-the-clock service. There is a symbiosis of PR, media relations and digital technologies. Digital TV is oriented to the individual. All communications are centering on digital channels. And in these circumstances the asymmetry is that ownership and control of the platform's data are out of sight of the citizens supplying the data. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, digital platforms are becoming the most important tool not only in influencing people but also in providing capital gains for developers and owners of these technologies and platforms. Forms of capital are changing. Capital is largely made not in industry or other areas of material production, but on digital platforms. Every company strives to either become digital or work on existing digital platforms.


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Author Biography

Irina Vasilievna Novikova, Belorussian State Technological University

DSc (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of management, business technology and Sustainable Development, Belorussian State Technological University (Minsk, Belorussia)


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How to Cite
NovikovaI. V. (2019). Globalization and Digitalization: Asymmetry of Media Technologies and the Implications for Media Space. Communications. Media. Design, 4(1), 84-103. Retrieved from
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