Structures of urban Social Capital through the lens of ecosystem approach (based on the case of district research of Kotlovka, Moscow)

  • Петр Вадимович Иванов The Moscow school of social and economic sciences


The following article is dedicated to the problem of social capital of small districts of Moscow, such as rural or dormitory suburb. The Author of the article offers to look at these districts through the lens of the ecosystem approach to urban areas and discusses the opportunity to start a discussion about the paradigms of Urban studies in Russia. The research is an example of work with urban problematics in Russian cities. 

The district that was chosen to conduct a study is a place of residence for 65 000 citizens. Some features of the district, such as difficulties in transport infrastructure or low quality of housing fund make this district typical for Moscow. The research is based on express interviews (from 3 to 40 minutes) with the inhabitants of the district (about 50 interviews in total).

Some of the results of the research include the description of the poor development of social capital structures, signs of social distractions,  and the whole dissatisfaction of citizens with the current situation of the district. Moreover, citizens have got a habit to transfer the views of the general problems of Moscow to their particular districts, even if these districts do not suffer from the mentioned problems that strong.


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Author Biography

Петр Вадимович Иванов, The Moscow school of social and economic sciences

Laboratory of Urban studies and projects 


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How to Cite
ИвановП. В. (2018). Structures of urban Social Capital through the lens of ecosystem approach (based on the case of district research of Kotlovka, Moscow). Communications. Media. Design, 3(1). Retrieved from
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