The Tradition is the Message: How Traditional Storytelling Circulates in the Digital Information Environment

  • Варвара Павловна Чумакова National Research University - Higher School of Economics
  • Елена Андреевна Федотова National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: traditional storytelling, oral culture, digital media, Internet


The paper explores how traditional storytelling adapts to the digital environment and adopts/assimilates it. This study is based on a corpus of fourteen semi-structured in-depth interviews of researchers and performers with an expertise in seven different storytelling traditions. Therefore, we present a new typology of traditional storytellers and depict their Internet/New Media usage specifics.


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Author Biographies

Варвара Павловна Чумакова, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Cultural Studies, Lecturer

Елена Андреевна Федотова, National Research University Higher School of Economics



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How to Cite
ЧумаковаВ. П., & ФедотоваЕ. А. (2018). The Tradition is the Message: How Traditional Storytelling Circulates in the Digital Information Environment. Communications. Media. Design, 3(1), 47-61. Retrieved from
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