Russian Scholars and Practitioners of PR: Comparative Analysis of Perception of Basic Terms - PR, Marketing, Integrated Communications (on a Basis of a Survey 2016-2017)


The following article is considered to the problem of different perception of basic features of PR and its division with marketing, both in functions and in the role in the communicative strategy of a company.
To find those different perceptions author surveyed Russian scholars of PR (employed by a system of higher education) and PR-specialists (employed in PR-agencies or PR-departments of the company). 110 academics and 117 specialists in PR-sphere became the participants of the survey, with 8 research questions stated. The questions considered the definition of PR, the descriptions of its functions, the responsibility of PR-specialists, as well as the question of the distinction between PR and Marketing.
The nuances of different perceptions are important as they are indicating the gap between theory and practice of PR. The author supports the idea of the convention of Russian PR-scholars and specialists in order to develop unite definitions and standards and hopes the results of the survey will be of any help in this process.


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Author Biography

Ася Филипповна Векслер, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

кандидат политических наук, доцент департамента интегрированных коммуникаций факультета коммуникаций, медиа и дизайна


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How to Cite
ВекслерА. Ф. (2018). Russian Scholars and Practitioners of PR: Comparative Analysis of Perception of Basic Terms - PR, Marketing, Integrated Communications (on a Basis of a Survey 2016-2017). Communications. Media. Design, 3(1). Retrieved from
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