“Temperature Regime” of American Political Discourse: from J.F. Kennedy to D. Trump

  • Ирина Борисовна Архангельская National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Marshall McLuhan, «cool» and «hot» media, the US political campaigns, USA, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump


Marshall McLuhan’s views on the results of the US presidential TV campaigning are analyzed in the article in the context of “cool” and “hot” media concept, offered by McLuhan and accepted by several political scholars and researchers. The currency and topicality of this approach applied to evaluation of contemporary political actors, including Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are under consideration.

The following article proposes new point of view on “cool” and “hot” media concept, regarding the rise of social media, such as Twitter or Facebook. Twitter of the President of the USA Donald Trump is analyzed using the McLuhan’s ideas. Two groups of tweets are separated and several versions of the reasons of Trump`s popularity are described.



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Author Biography

Ирина Борисовна Архангельская, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Professor, Department of Literature and Intercultural Communication, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhniy Novgorod)


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How to Cite
АрхангельскаяИ. Б. (2018). “Temperature Regime” of American Political Discourse: from J.F. Kennedy to D. Trump. Communications. Media. Design, 3(1), 79-94. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/7731
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