The Medium is the Mess-iah

  • Robert K. Logan University of Toronto
Keywords: medium, messiah, Apple, technological singularity, Singularity, AI


Playing with Marshall McLuhan’s play on his famous saying “the medium is the message”, when he substituted the words massage, mass age, and mess age for message, I formulated the one-liner ‘the medium is the mess-iah’.  I will explain what McLuhan meant by a medium and also how the term messiah arose. I will then address how the one-liner, the medium is the mess-iah provides insights into the nature of digital media in general; Steve Jobs’ development of the Apple product line and the devotion of its users; and the religious and messianic belief of the advocates of the technological Singularity.


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Author Biography

Robert K. Logan, University of Toronto

Ph.D., Department of Physics


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How to Cite
LoganR. K. (2018). The Medium is the Mess-iah. Communications. Media. Design, 3(1), 13-25. Retrieved from
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