Teenager: Involvement into Virtual Interaction and Attitude to Education

  • Владимир Самуилович Собкин Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education


The article is devoted to various aspects of relationship of teenagers to social networks. Presents the results of a poll 2074 students 5, 7, 9 and 11 classes. Analyzes the place of networking in the structure of leisure of a teenager, the level of activity in the use of social networks. Special attention is paid to motives, the nature and content of communication of adolescents in social networks. The obtained data show that today, virtual social networking has an important place in the structure of leisure of students. Especially brightly this tendency in comparison with other forms of leisure: reading fiction, going to the cinema, visiting electives and clubs, visits to museums and exhibitions, concerts, theatres. The study showed that early introduction to the use of social networks is now an important factor for employment in higher status positions among their peers. It is revealed that virtual communication with age becoming longer. Almost a third of high school students spend on social networking the same time (and even more), how many classes in school. The analysis of motivation of use of social networks has shown that its age profile reflects the characteristics of social well-being in the transition from Junior to senior teenagers. The received materials testify to the fact that the Internet and, in particular, social networks are starting to be used by students as an important information resource. A content analysis of social networks revealed that the differences between boys and girls conform to traditional gender characteristics of life preferences. Consideration of the place of networking in the information space of the teenager revealed that it was the Internet, social networks and friends in contrast to books in school and teachers are the sources of information that satisfy socio-cultural needs of a growing modern teenagers. Materials of the study indicate that teenagers from low social strata important situational socializing with peers, compared with children from medium and upper class families. Thus, it is material inequality has a significant impact on the characteristics of socialization at school age. The data show that the intense involvement of the adolescent in the social network due to two circumstances: bad socio-psychological relations within the school and unformed positive motivation to study


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Author Biography

Владимир Самуилович Собкин, Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education

doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, RAE academician, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation
The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution
«Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education», Head of the Center for the sociology of education

How to Cite
СобкинВ. С. (2017). Teenager: Involvement into Virtual Interaction and Attitude to Education. Communications. Media. Design, 2(2). Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/6962
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