Media Literacy and Media Education: in Russia and Worldwide

Interview with the leading Russian expert in Media Education Alexander Fedorov

  • Александр Викторович Федоров Аcademic Journal “Media Education”
Keywords: media literacy, media education


In the following interview with the Professor Alexander Fedorov, the main Russian expert on the topics of media literacy and media education, the Editor-in-Chief of Scopus Journal “Media Education”, he shares his views and opinions about the current trends of media literacy, the evolution of new media ecology worldwide and particularly in Russia.

Fedorov reports about the list of countries, where media education is officially integrated into school educational process: Hungary, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several others. He emphasizes the role of UNESCO in this process worldwide, as UNESCO supports and develops many programs, handbooks and other materials.

Fedorov analyses the situation in Russia and concludes that in Russia media literacy and media education is developed mainly for professionals, such as journalists, cinematographers and other specialists. When it comes to schools, the situation changes significantly, as the media educational programs are realized only in the schools where some fans of media literacy are working and if they are ready to take additional charge at school.

But Fedorov also notices that Russia can contest any Western country, when it comes to research and academic comprehension of the topic, as there are a lot of projects studying media literacy and media education in order to make its levels higher among Russians.

Fedorov expects that the proportion of the countries with the coactive mass media edication will rise. As for Russia, Fedorov is sure that the wide spread of media education is impossible without the support from the Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation.


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How to Cite
ФедоровА. В. (2016). Media Literacy and Media Education: in Russia and Worldwide. Communications. Media. Design, 1(2). Retrieved from