Youngsters, Digital Technology and Unplugging

  • Charo Sadaba, Dr University of Navarra
Keywords: youngsters, digital natives, media literacy, information overload, unplugging


The presence of the internet is clear in developed countries, especially among youngsters. However, technology access and usage is also increasing in developing societies, where minors are in most cases at the forefront of the adoption and usage of these new services.
The incidence of ICT is higher among young people whom, according to Prensky (2001), have been considered digital natives. In this particular case, the future, which has already transitioned into the present, is shaped by millions of minors with a screen in their pockets, which gives them global and interactive access to various forms of content. Research confirms that, despite socioeconomic and cultural differences, in most countries it is possible to find high levels of ICT penetration among young people who seem to be at the forefront of the adoption of any technological development.


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Author Biography

Charo Sadaba, Dr, University of Navarra

Professor, School of Communication

How to Cite
SadabaC. (2016). Youngsters, Digital Technology and Unplugging. Communications. Media. Design, 1(2). Retrieved from
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