Russian mass media and media holdings in terms of crisis: strategies of survival

  • Алла Николаевна Тепляшина Saint-Petersburg State University
  • Ксения Игоревна Омельченко Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: crisis, media, strategies of survival, russian mass media


In the two decades of its existence the Russian media industry has come a long and difficult path. Rapid economic growth, turning points, a change of the political situation and the priorities of advertisers – all this led to the development of new mechanisms and ways to maintain financial equilibrium media and media holdings. Combining different profiles in the media recently, it is considered one of the major trends in the industrialized countries of the world, and their impact on the economy and public opinion – and so obvious.

The effects of changes as a consequence of the financial and social changes, not only to transform the media, but also to change their structure and ways of functioning. Therefore media owners have increasingly adjust their policies and strategies in the field of media economy, as well as their content.

This crisis will be decisive for many media and media holdings. In recognition, market experts peak of the crisis, which began in late 2013, has not yet passed, and Media only approaching the lowest and negative indicators. Beyond the obvious consequences – mass layoffs, reformatting, changing editorial teams and owners, as well as the reduction of advertising budgets – Media and media holdings have to optimize their activities. In view of the special economic and political conditions and the history of the existence of the media and media holdings in Russia today has a number of unique features – that specific approaches to business, organization of social communications, asset allocation and methods of exiting the crisis.

As part of the study it was formulated several tasks which will help create a holistic view of the peculiarities of the functioning of the Russian mass media and media companies in times of crisis. After analyzing the situation in today's domestic media market, we have identified the following ways and methods of survival and functioning of the Russian mass-media in the conditions of economic and creative crises, reduction of financial flows and advertising budgets: working with production studios and independent creative enterprises, the creation of sub-holdings, advertising on partner sites , the creation of thematic channels and resources, crowdfunding, business restructuring, resizing, moving to mobile platforms, combining advertising platforms, as well as the introduction of paid content.


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Author Biographies

Алла Николаевна Тепляшина, Saint-Petersburg State University

Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences
Periodical Press Department
School of Journalism and Mass Communications

Ксения Игоревна Омельченко, Saint-Petersburg State University

MA student
Periodical press Department
School of Journalism and Mass Communications

How to Cite
ТепляшинаА. Н., & ОмельченкоК. И. (2016). Russian mass media and media holdings in terms of crisis: strategies of survival. Communications. Media. Design, 1(4). Retrieved from
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