The Values of Life and Health in Russia in the Context of Globalization Challenges and Infodemic Doomscrolling

Keywords: value of life, value of health, globalisation challenges, infodemic doomscrolling, media consumption, happiness, information neurosis, quality of life


The relevance of the study is due to the increasing volume of media consumption and increased information pressure against the background of globalization challenges. In conditions of constant information flow, reinforced by social networks and news platforms, Russians are faced with the phenomenon of "doomscrolling" – the habit of scrolling through negative news. This phenomenon increases in conditions of infodemia, which leads to information stress and negatively affects mental health. A study on the values of life and health of Russians in the context of globalization challenges and infodemic doomscrolling has revealed several key results. Firstly, a significant part of the respondents demonstrated a tendency to "doomscrolling" – scrolling through the negative news feed, which was associated with an increased level of anxiety and information stress. Secondly, respondents who actively consumed negative news materials showed a decrease in overall psychological well-being, which was expressed in increased anxiety, depression and a feeling of helplessness. The study also revealed a link between media consumption and value orientations. For most Russians, values such as health, life and family are of the greatest importance, but information overload leads to a distortion of the perception of these values, increasing fears and anxieties. This manifests itself in increased sensitivity to global threats such as wars, economic crises and environmental disasters. An important result of the study was the confirmation that the tendency to "doomscrolling" negatively correlates with personal well-being and the level of social adaptation. Respondents with a high level of critical thinking and a stable psyche showed less involvement in negative information flows and were less affected by infodemia. The conclusions of the study emphasize the need to develop information ecology and psychosocial support to reduce the negative impact of infodemic doomscrolling on the quality of life and mental well-being of the population in the context of globalization challenges.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Maksimenko, HSE University

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow 

Olga Sergeevna Deyneka, Saint Petersburg State University

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
MaksimenkoA. A., & DeynekaO. S. (2024). The Values of Life and Health in Russia in the Context of Globalization Challenges and Infodemic Doomscrolling . Communications. Media. Design, 9(3), 5-27. Retrieved from
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