Comparing Journalistic Cultures Across Nations

Keywords: comparative, culture, journalism, role, survey, Worlds of Journalism Study


Comparative studies of journalism have become immensely popular in recent times, yet a range of methodological and logistical challenges persist in existing work. This introduction to the special issue on “Comparing Journalistic Cultures” provides a brief overview of these challenges, before providing an overview of the genesis of the Worlds of Journalism Study, an unprecedented, global and collaborative undertaking to examine journalistic culture in 66 countries. In particular, we reflect on how the study approached and aimed to solve methodological challenges, providing some ideas that may aid future studies in this field.


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Author Biographies

Folker Hanusch, University of Vienna

PhD., Professor

Tomas Hanitzsch , Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

PhD., Professor of Communication 


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How to Cite
Hanusch F., & Hanitzsch T. (2024). Comparing Journalistic Cultures Across Nations. Communications. Media. Design, 9(2), 175-192. Retrieved from
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