The Brainmedia Concept: The Brain as Media and Art

Keywords: brain, art, media, brainhood, cerebral subject, neuroplasticity, neurodeductionism, neuroessentialism, neuroart


The article proposes the concept of Brainmedia, in which the brain is considered as an independent medial dimension in the space of neuroculture. The rapid development of neuroscience, which began in the last decade of the 20th century and received a powerful impetus with the advent of neuroimaging tools, led to a neuroprotection in the history of mankind and the formation of a neurocentric style of thinking.

The brain has transformed from an abstract model of information processing ("the brain as a computer") into a real entity with its own performative subjectivity. He is the "medium and the message." The reinterpretation of key neuroconceptions takes place in the plane of Brain Art, where the brain becomes, on the one hand, an object of creative self—expression of the artist, and on the other - a tool for conceptualization, criticism and analysis of new scientific ideas and discoveries.

The article proposes to analyse the key concepts of neurocultural discourse: "brainhood", "cerebral subject", "neurocentrism", "neuroplasticity", "neuroreductionism", "neuroessentialism", and formulates the conceptual framework for considering the problem of "personhood vs brainhood" in the space of artistic practices.


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Author Biography

Anna Vladimirovna Mcvey, HSE University

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Theory and History of Culture and Art”, Deputy Director of the Institute for Creative Industries Development, Director of the Centre for Academic and Expert Communications


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How to Cite
Mcvey A. V. (2024). The Brainmedia Concept: The Brain as Media and Art. Communications. Media. Design, 9(2), 88-108. Retrieved from
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