Digital Reading and Transmedia Creativity as Elements of Multiliteracy: Experience of Dialogue Between Researchers and Educators

Keywords: reading, digital reading, medialiteracy, multimedia literacy, transmedia literacy


The article presents the results of a project that examines current reading practices in the context of the media sphere. The article is based on expert interviews with teachers, writers, university professors, and the authors of projects that combine digital tools and work with texts. The authors characterize current reading practices and propose a definition of digital reading. The article substantiates the approach to modern reading as a practice of participation and co-creation. It is noted that through the actualization of reading experience, literacy develops both in the traditional sense and multimedia and transmedia literacy.


The study is based on materials collected within RFBR grant No. 19-29-14155, completed in the spring of 2023. The empirical part was collected within the framework of the project "Digitalization of Reading in the Context of Current Research and Educational Practices" at the Faculty of Creative Industries, HSE University.


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Author Biographies

Anna Novikova, HSE University

Doctor of Culturology, Candidate of Art History, Professor

Evgeniya Petrova, HSE University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Liubov Borusyak, Moscow City University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Educational Practices, Associate Professor


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Transmedia Literacy. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education.

How to Cite
NovikovaA., Petrova E., & BorusyakL. (2024). Digital Reading and Transmedia Creativity as Elements of Multiliteracy: Experience of Dialogue Between Researchers and Educators . Communications. Media. Design, 9(2), 23-44. Retrieved from
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