Textiles and Tactile Empathy: Practices of Representing Traumatic Experiences

  • Galina Sergeevna Ignatenko HSE University
Keywords: textile art, embroidery, sewing, narrative, trauma, witness


The article explores textile art, including sewing, embroidery, and textile applications, as a means of expressing and processing traumatic experience. The author examines the role of textile material in shaping the narrative and working through trauma, both as a witness and as a direct participant in the event. The study analyses the works of artists who use textile as a medium and a method of communication and emotional expression and provides examples of projects where textiles are used to narrate about political conflicts and migration. The article emphasizes the importance and relevance of researching textile practices in the context of trauma and draws attention to the empathetic nature of this material.


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Author Biography

Galina Sergeevna Ignatenko, HSE University

Student of the Doctoral Programme "Fine and decorative arts and architecture"


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How to Cite
IgnatenkoG. S. (2023). Textiles and Tactile Empathy: Practices of Representing Traumatic Experiences. Communications. Media. Design, 8(4), 104-120. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/18499
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