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Contemporary critical discourse studies tend to be based on structuralist and post-structuralist approaches. The author connects this state of affairs with the dominance of linguistics in the discourse analysis, while the very goal of criticizing discourse requires understanding it as a “folded” social activity, an inverted form of culture. For the cultural-historical approach, which the author proposes to use as a method of criticizing discourse, discourse is a reflection of social relations in speech form, a linguistic activity objectified in the text with non-linguistic motives, goals and means. The discourse does not form objective knowledge about reality, but its distorted sensual image, limited by the dialectical interposition of the subject and the environment. Thus, discourse becomes an ideological projection of social activity. Inequality in society is reflected in discourse. The task of cultural-historical discourse research is to reveal the hegemonic meaning of ideological discourse. To do this, the ideological text must be compared with the objective actual conditions of the life of the society in which this text is created and distributed.
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