Placement of Russian Terrestrial TV Channels' Programs On The Internet as a Way to Attract an Audience

  • Victoria Mikhailovna Mitroshenkova
Keywords: television, TV audience measurement, online platforms, online TV, Mediascope, Big TV Rating


Growing consumption of information by a human in terms of speed and volume is challenging for the television in different ways. Mediatised types of communication, including television, are obliged to change, become more technologically advanced, and integrate in the daily lives of users. TV companies are developing new channels of communication with media content consumers to compete. Among these channels are online platforms, which serving as a tool for interaction with the audience migrating to the Internet. Meanwhile, technological progress has gone far ahead from the pace of terrestrial television adaptation to new realities. TV companies place their content on various online platforms, but at the moment the prospects for using such platforms have not been fully studied. A number of problems have been identified in the system of measuring the TV audience in the Internet environment. This study aimed on determining the prospects of using online platforms by TV companies to attract an audience. To achieve this goal, the author, in addition to analysing scientific literature, resorts to the opinion of industry experts, conducts expert evaluation, uses forecasting methods, statistical analysis and secondary analysis of data from Mediascope. The author comes to the conclusion that TV companies will continue to exist in a hybrid format, increasing their presence on online platforms to attract and retain an audience.


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Author Biography

Victoria Mikhailovna Mitroshenkova

Master of Media Management


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How to Cite
Mitroshenkova V. M. (2023). Placement of Russian Terrestrial TV Channels’ Programs On The Internet as a Way to Attract an Audience. Communications. Media. Design, 8(3), 105-125. Retrieved from
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