Research of the User Experience During the Interaction ith Internet Sites

  • Ekaterina Valerievna Artyushina HSE University
  • Tatyana Alexandrovna Dryakhlova HSE University
  • Denis Alexandrovich Fomenkov HSE University
Keywords: user experience, UX, Internet resources, usability, customer experience, brand interaction experience, user experience elements, AR technologies


The article contains the results of the author's research aimed at studying digital user experience in the household appliances segment. In the process of research, digital resources offering household appliances to Russian consumers were identified, their positioning map was compiled, and a quantitative consumer assessment of the user experience of ordering household appliances on the allocated resources was obtained. The elements of user experience when choosing household appliances on the Internet are determined and their rating is compiled. The interest of consumers of household appliances in the use of AR technologies is assessed and recommendations for their application are proposed.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Valerievna Artyushina, HSE University

Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tatyana Alexandrovna Dryakhlova, HSE University

Student of the Master’s Programme “Data-Driven Communication”

Denis Alexandrovich Fomenkov, HSE University

Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Artyushina E. V., Dryakhlova T. A., & FomenkovD. A. (2023). Research of the User Experience During the Interaction ith Internet Sites . Communications. Media. Design, 8(3), 44-61. Retrieved from
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