From an Archetype to a Brand: Theory and Practice

Keywords: archetypes, brands, youth identity, civilizational and cultural stability, information wars


The article discusses various aspects of creating new Russian business brands in the context of national and cultural/civilizational sustainability during deglobalization. As an example, the brand BY (Baba Yaga), based on the images of the heroes of Russian folklore, is taken. The hybrid nature of the BY brand is emphasized; in particular, the author describes the connection between the comic and folklore components in the formation of the image of Baba Yaga and other characters of the Superhero Universe, as well as the connection of the BY brand with the history of the incarnation of fairy tale characters in Soviet/Russian cinema. The specificity of creative work with archetypes in business branding is substantiated. The importance of researching new national brands as tools of information impact on the national information and symbolic space, and first of all on the formation of youth identity, is emphasized.


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Author Biography

Marianna Evgenyevna Sokolova, Институт США и Канады РАН

Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow


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How to Cite
Sokolova M. E. (2023). From an Archetype to a Brand: Theory and Practice. Communications. Media. Design, 8(3), 126-142. Retrieved from
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