Political News in Russian and German Federal Online Media as a Factor in Attracting Audience Attention

  • Alexandra Sabynina


The article presents an analysis of political news as a factor in attracting the attention of the audience in the Russian and German media. The author examines the publications in the online versions of KommersantRossiyskaya GazetaDer Spiegel and Die Zeit (Zeit Online) for the period from February 20 to March 20, 2022, due to the escalation of the political crisis between Russia and Ukraine and the beginning of a special military operation.

The article describes the specific features of the publications and draws up a portrait of the audience, examines site traffic and reader engagement. Based on the data of the Factiva analytical service by Dow Jones, the tonal balance of publications in Russian and German media was determined, headlines and news reports were studied in detail from a linguistic point of view.

The author concludes that the German media tend to neutral news coverage, while the Russian ones use a negative tone as a factor in attracting the attention of the audience


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Author Biography

Alexandra Sabynina

Master of Media Communications


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How to Cite
SabyninaA. (2023). Political News in Russian and German Federal Online Media as a Factor in Attracting Audience Attention. Communications. Media. Design, 8(1), 62-82. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/17003
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