The Reputation of the Contemporary Artist: When Big Data Matters

  • Evgeniya Gorobets HSE University
Keywords: contemporary art market, reputation institution, algorithms, big data analysis, art institutions, media


The size and complexity of data collected in the art world grow yearly. Information about artists, their works, sales, exhibitions, and other metrics can be collected and structured in databases to identify trends and understand how the art market works. Big data analysis can also become an important tool for studying an artist's career and understanding what affects their reputation and success in the contemporary art system.


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Author Biography

Evgeniya Gorobets, HSE University

Master in Cultural Studies, Student of Doctoral Programme “Fine and Applied Arts”


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How to Cite
GorobetsE. (2023). The Reputation of the Contemporary Artist: When Big Data Matters. Communications. Media. Design, 8(3), 143-155. Retrieved from
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