Experience of Reality in Art: The Method of Abstract Expressionism of Emilio Vedova

  • Milana Alievna Arsanukaeva Saint-Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts
Keywords: abstract expressionism, Emilio Vedova, post-war Italian art, the problem of mimesis


The article deals with the work of the leading Italian abstract artist Emilio Vedov, which has not yet been fully covered by Russian historiography. The language developed by the artist is a unique way for abstract art to translate reality and communicate with the viewer. Vedov's artistic method is analyzed on the basis of several of the brightest works of the period of his formation. Also, on the example of the artist's work, the author raises the question of the role of the mimetic beginning in art - one of the key problems of the art of the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Milana Alievna Arsanukaeva, Saint-Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts

Student of Doctoral Programme “Arts (Fine and decorative arts and architecture)”


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How to Cite
Arsanukaeva M. A. (2022). Experience of Reality in Art: The Method of Abstract Expressionism of Emilio Vedova. Communications. Media. Design, 7(4), 124-138. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/16330
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