CRM-system as a Tool for Forming a Communication Strategy: The Practice of Commercial Medical Organizations

  • Alexei Alexandrovich Samokhin
  • Daria Alexandrovna Samylina National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: CRM, business communication, process automation, digital communication tools


The article explores the features of using CRM as a tool for building a new type of communication in the practice of commercial medical organizations. Based on the systematization of domestic and foreign studies, as well as a number of expert interviews with industry representatives, a system of recommendations has been developed to improve offline and online communicative interaction with clients in the activities of commercial medicine organizations.


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Author Biographies

Alexei Alexandrovich Samokhin

Master of Marketing

Daria Alexandrovna Samylina, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Seniour Lecturer


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How to Cite
Samokhin A. A., & Samylina D. A. (2022). CRM-system as a Tool for Forming a Communication Strategy: The Practice of Commercial Medical Organizations . Communications. Media. Design, 7(4), 86-103. Retrieved from
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