The Image of the Enemy in Information Wars in the Context of Russia’s Relations with Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA in 2019 (Analysis of the Content of Political Bloggers of the Twitter Social Network)

  • Valentina Shilova Center for the Sociology of Governance and Social Technologies, Institute of Sociology, FCTAS RAS
  • Vladimir Vedenin State Academic University for the Humanities
Keywords: communication, mass media, propaganda, information warfare, manipulation, propaganda methods, image of the enemy


The article is devoted to the study of the formation of "images of the enemy" in information-psychological wars, which is conducted by opposing forces using different strategies of propaganda and manipulation. The theoretical part of the work reveals the content of the concepts of information-psychological warfare, propaganda and manipulation technologies, the "image of the enemy", the typology of "enemies", the foundations and strategies for the formation of the "image of the enemy".

The authors focus on the technologies and practices of forming the “image of the enemy” of the adversary state among their audience by bloggers of the Twitter social network, with the aim of cohesive public response support for foreign state policy. An exploratory study in January-May 2019 analyzed 533 text messages and 65 photographic materials from the Twitter social network in the context of Russia's current (at that time) relations with Ukraine, the UK and the USA.

The authors analyze the "image of the enemy" produced by the information actors of each of the conflict parties. The article describes the identified mechanisms of the "image of the enemy" formation in the media space of social networks, which makes it possible to characterize and compare certain "forms" of the enemy that each side of the information confrontation is trying to form.


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Author Biographies

Valentina Shilova, Center for the Sociology of Governance and Social Technologies, Institute of Sociology, FCTAS RAS

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Leading Researcher

Vladimir Vedenin, State Academic University for the Humanities

Student of the Dctoral Programme “Sociological Sciences”


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How to Cite
Shilova V., & VedeninV. (2022). The Image of the Enemy in Information Wars in the Context of Russia’s Relations with Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA in 2019 (Analysis of the Content of Political Bloggers of the Twitter Social Network). Communications. Media. Design, 7(4), 27-66. Retrieved from
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