Where Digital Meets Physical: A Conceptual Framework for Exploring Aesthetic Potential of Mixed Reality Interface

Keywords: aesthetic potential, interface studies, HCI, GUI, mixed reality


This paper aims to conceptually explore the aesthetic potential phenomenon of a mixed reality interface. The research is intended to create a novel conceptual framework that includes characteristics of mixed reality interface and approaches to studying the aesthetic potential phenomenon. The framework is based on the synthesis of knowledge and integration of human-computer interaction concepts and methodologies from design, philosophy, psychology, and media culture. This paper offers a new expanded view of the aesthetic potential phenomenon. This includes seeing the aesthetic potential in the way the mixed reality interface manifests itself as a meaningful part of our lifeworld. Furthermore, the next research steps are outlined under a new perspective of studying the interface and its future.


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Author Biography

Daniil Igorevich Solosyatov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Fine and decorative arts and architecture”


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How to Cite
SolosyatovD. I. (2022). Where Digital Meets Physical: A Conceptual Framework for Exploring Aesthetic Potential of Mixed Reality Interface. Communications. Media. Design, 7(3), 159-185. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/16121
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