The Idea of Art Synthesis in the Monumental Work of Marc Chagall

  • Margarita Dmitrievna Zhelonkina Anna Nova Gallery
Keywords: monumental art, Marc Chagall, synthesis of arts, intermediality, Opera Garnier, art space


This article attempts to study the monumental works of Marc Chagall of the foreign period in the context of the synthesis of arts. The research is based on the analysis of the monumental works of the master created by Chagall mainly for spiritual and secular institutions in the period from 1950–1980 in France, the USA and Israel. The specificity of the research lies in the need to analyze not only the work of art as such, but also the artistic space as an aesthetic phenomenon that complements the work of art. The author came to the conclusion that Chagall's artistic and stylistic system does not change significantly depending on what type of work he creates: monumental or easel, as a result of which the work and the space come into conflict. An example of this is the painting of the ceiling in the Paris Grand Opera and the stained-glass windows of Reims Cathedral, where the artist's works stylistically contradict the place for which they were created. However, the technique and media for Chagall's space is selected especially carefully — whether it is a mosaic, stained glass, or tapestry. Thus, the mosaic "Four Seasons" in Chase Tower Plaza in Chicago is a brilliant example of the harmonious interaction of the artist and the media. At the same time, Chagall remains integral within his own artistic system and an extremely relevant and universal master.


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Author Biography

Margarita Dmitrievna Zhelonkina, Anna Nova Gallery



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How to Cite
ZhelonkinaM. D. (2022). The Idea of Art Synthesis in the Monumental Work of Marc Chagall. Communications. Media. Design, 7(3), 148-158. Retrieved from
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