Scientific Information Dissemination Features in Crisis Times

  • Nikita Igorevich Zhuravlev
Keywords: crisis communications, scientific information, relevance assessment model for the dissemination of scientific information, media literacy, popular science publications, fake news, COVID-19 pandemic


The article examines the peculiarities of the perception of scientific information and its dissemination in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author suggests that easy access to unverified information and its uncontrolled absorption, the replication of fakes, the low level of media literacy of the population and the lack of critical thinking skills, as well as the weak interest of scientists in the qualitative presentation of the results of their own research in the media negatively affect the effectiveness of crisis communications and the dissemination of scientific information. The aim of the study is to identify patterns in the dissemination of scientific information and their impact on the audience on the background of the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the study, the author created and tested a model for assessing the scientific information dissemination relevance. For researchers, this model can become a visual aid to how the target audience reacts to their message during crisis communications.


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Author Biography

Nikita Igorevich Zhuravlev

Master of Media Communications


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How to Cite
ZhuravlevN. I. (2022). Scientific Information Dissemination Features in Crisis Times. Communications. Media. Design, 7(3), 98-128. Retrieved from
Scientific Articles