End-to-end digital technologies of "industry 4.0" in advertising and PR (Adtech cases)

  • Nikita Sergeevich Samoilenko Moscow International University
Keywords: End-to-end digital technologies of industry 4.0, end-to-end technologies in advertising and PR, Adtech


The article is devoted to the study of examples of the implementation of end-to-end digital technologies in professional advertising and PR activities. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the main end-to-end technologies and present specific cases of their implementation in the commercial activities of companies. As part of the study, a crowdsourcing project is presented to compile a matrix for the implementation of end-to-end digital technologies in advertising and PR activities. Conclusions are formulated regarding the prospects for the use and study of these technologies in the media context.


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Author Biography

Nikita Sergeevich Samoilenko, Moscow International University

Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
SamoilenkoN. S. (2022). End-to-end digital technologies of "industry 4.0" in advertising and PR (Adtech cases). Communications. Media. Design, 7(3), 24-38. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/14644
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