Space as Nostalgia: The End of the "Golden Age" of the Sixties in the Film "Paper Soldier" (2008) by Alexey German-Jr.

  • Svetlana Vladimirovna Pahomova National Research University Higher School of Economics; Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
  • Ekaterina Georgievna Lapina-Kratasyuk National Research University Higher School of Economics; Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: nostalgia, heritage cinema, historical film, thaw, auteur cinema


In this paper, based on Alexey German Jr.’s film "Bumazhnyy soldat” (“Paper Soldier"), 2008 analysis, the methods of Russian art cinema’s reflection work with the concepts of history and memory are studied. To do this, the film is studied in the context of the concepts of historical film, nostalgic work and "heritage cinema". Relations with space both geographical (real and imaginary), as well as cosmic, become in the film. a metaphor for escaping of the frustrating Soviet reality. The film "Paper Soldier" is an example of intellectual work with the past, which plays an important role in forming of Russian public history.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Vladimirovna Pahomova, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences


Ekaterina Georgievna Lapina-Kratasyuk , National Research University Higher School of Economics; Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences

Associate Professor


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How to Cite
PahomovaS. V., & Lapina-Kratasyuk E. G. (2022). Space as Nostalgia: The End of the "Golden Age" of the Sixties in the Film "Paper Soldier" (2008) by Alexey German-Jr . Communications. Media. Design, 7(2), 165-182. Retrieved from
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