The Usage of Digital Marketing Instruments by Russian Media Projects: Creation and Refinement of the Classification

  • Vladislav Sergeevich Chalcev National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: digital toolkit, digital marketing, media promotion, digital promotion instruments


The paper examines the promotion of media projects on the Internet, which is an important issue in the context of the rapid information technology development. Firstly, the authors present the overview of previous research to develop a generalized classification of groups of promotion tools. Then, with the help of in-depth semi-structured interviews with the promotion experts of Russian media projects, the classification refinement is carried out which results in the formation of four new groups and removal of Programmatic Advertising as a separate group.


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Author Biography

Vladislav Sergeevich Chalcev, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Management”


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How to Cite
ChalcevV. S. (2022). The Usage of Digital Marketing Instruments by Russian Media Projects: Creation and Refinement of the Classification. Communications. Media. Design, 7(3), 63-97. Retrieved from
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