Quest as a Narrative Phenomenon: From the Chivalric Romance to an Independent Story

  • Maria Alexandrovna Shteynman National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Dmitry Andreevich Terekhov National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: digital media, game studies, ludic narrative, ludology, quest, video games, romance


The presented article gives a perspective on side quests as a narrative phenomenon. Existing in at least two separate fields, namely literature and game studies, the quest has institutionalized within the video game sphere as untility-based concept. Nevertheless, this approach significantly oversimplifies the idea of the quest and undermines its study. The true narrative potential of the quest can be grasped and elucidated  only with the help of tracking down the concept genesis - stressing its literature and philosophical-ethical roots. This statement is especailly significant for the yet poorly studied phenomenon of the side quest. Futhermore, the given classification of the side quests is based upon the peculiarities of the video game storytelling. The side quests are divided in three groups according to their relations with the main plot. These groups are named bifurcators, complementary side quests, and satellies. As the main theoretical finding, the conclusion about the obtainmnet of their own frames by the side quests is made. This allows to distinguish them from other stories within the same game, possibly building a fully independent creation without another work, although the different types of the side quests have the varying levels of frame impenetrability.


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Author Biographies

Maria Alexandrovna Shteynman, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Philosophy, Professor

Dmitry Andreevich Terekhov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Culturology”, Lecturer


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How to Cite
Shteynman M. A., & Terekhov D. A. (2022). Quest as a Narrative Phenomenon: From the Chivalric Romance to an Independent Story. Communications. Media. Design, 7(4), 104-123. Retrieved from
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