The Lace Design and the Integration of this Technology into the Digital Environment

Keywords: design, lace, folk crafts, digital design


The article presents an overview of the history of the development of lace design in Russia and the world, the analysis of modern methods of design and production of lace fabric was carried out. The authors analyzed both traditional and innovative lace manufacturing technologies based on digital three-dimensional clothing design. The problems of preserving the skill of lace weaving and the transfer of its methods to the next generations are revealed.

Modern ways of realizing the creative potential of designers are considered by the authors through the prism of NFT technologies: the integration of unique manual lace-making techniques into the digital environment simultaneously contributes to the preservation of the history of arts and crafts, and the development of this type of folk craft in an innovative future. Translated into the language of NFT, lace technologies will be able to fix the lace element in the digital field for a long time.


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Author Biographies

Vaieriya Yuryevna Tukhanova

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Natalya Gennadyevna Fedosova

Master of Design


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How to Cite
Tukhanova V. Y., & Fedosova N. G. (2022). The Lace Design and the Integration of this Technology into the Digital Environment. Communications. Media. Design, 7(4), 153-165. Retrieved from
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