Linden Lab’s Second Life

  • Astrid Ensslin University of Bergen
  • Anatoly Nikolaevich Lipov Institute of Philosophy, RAS
Keywords: virtual gaming network, Second Life, new media, SL avatars, story worlds, online worlds, Samsar Project


In this translation of Astrid Enslin's work, an attempt is made to reflect the ontological status of the virtual gaming platform Second Life (SL) and give it a theoretical basis from the point of view of the imaginary world through such key concepts as virtuality versus reality, subcreativity, narrative, canonicity, and also in the context of the existential triad of invention, completeness and consistency. It assesses the rise and fall of SL as a new media phenomenon in light of its idiosyncratic design elements and philosophy, and considers why SL, as a massively multiplayer online environment, has proven less durable than some other contemporary virtual worlds. SL avatars are aesthetically idealized stylizations of users, and their inner-world functions, appearance and behavioral practices reflect the basic needs of the SL. However, modern ways of using SL may also have become less financially viable for Linden Lab, and that's why the company is looking for new ways to interact with both new and old audiences.


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Author Biographies

Astrid Ensslin, University of Bergen

Associate Professor

Anatoly Nikolaevich Lipov, Institute of Philosophy, RAS

Candidate of Philosophy, Researcher 


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How to Cite
EnsslinA., & LipovA. N. (2021). Linden Lab’s Second Life. Communications. Media. Design, 6(4), 29-42. Retrieved from
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