Percolation Model of Communication with the Mechanism of the Selective Transmission of Information (Explanation of the Advertising Deafness Phenomenon)

  • Evgenii Viktorovich Garin LLC "Orgraf"
Keywords: advertising deafness, social graph, numerical characteristics of graphs, control signal, control theory


This work is a continuation of the authors' work on the problems of modeling the structure of society using graph theory methods and constructing an explanatory model of the properties of information dissemination. In previous works, it was experimentally proved that the social graph has a strict orientation of the direction of information dissemination (Garin, Meshcheryakov, 2015). In the process of dissemination, information sequentially passes through a number of shares of the social graph, characterized by percolation (leakage) indicators (Garin, Meshcheryakov, 2017): properties of the loss of a part of information transmission channels at each stage in the information transmission chain, restoration of the throughput of the incoming information transmission channel by the receiver, total the throughput of the incoming information transmission channel by the receiver or its selectivity. The last of the listed properties of percolation has long been known as advertising deafness. This work is devoted to the construction of a communication model with a mechanism for the selective transmission of information and an explanation of the occurrence of advertising deafness.


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Author Biography

Evgenii Viktorovich Garin , LLC "Orgraf"



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How to Cite
Garin E. V. (2021). Percolation Model of Communication with the Mechanism of the Selective Transmission of Information (Explanation of the Advertising Deafness Phenomenon). Communications. Media. Design, 6(1), 39-63. Retrieved from
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