Feminism of 'Suspiria' (2018): Dance - Body – Ritual
This article discusses the idea of feminism narrative that is described through the body, costumes and set-design of a film. The analysis is conducted on the example of the film “Suspiria" directed by Luca Guadanino (2018). A special place for interpretation is devoted to dance and ritual. The methodology employed in the paper comprises the following tools: case study and historical-comparative analysis. The paper starts with an introduction commenting the terms of suspense and monster of feminine nature. The introduction shows how femininity served as an alternative to conventional patriarchal institutions and underlines the choice of feminist emphasis in the film about witches. Then the paper gives an explanation of the plot and its performative elements. Dance is analyzed as a complex ritual phenomenon consisting of the phases of liminality. Finally, the paper acknowledges the valuable contribution of costumes in the making of ritual pre-liminality.
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