The Semiosociopsychological Paradigm and the Development of a Communication Strategy for a Charity

  • Oxana Andrienko Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science
Keywords: semiosociopsychological paradigm, charity, social conflicts, image of the world, two-way communication, prosocial behaviour, socialisation


In this article, a charity as a social institution is defined by the author as an organisation that helps individuals with problematic life situations to resolve their situations if they cannot do this for themselves.

Analysing the development of communication strategies in charities, the author focused on several problems that inhibit the adequate and effective functioning of charitable programmes. These problems include different images of the world held by the different parties involved in charitable projects, the absence of common goals, and social conflicts, which prevent service recipients from solving their problematic life situations. These obstacles are serious, and the author considers that they need to be solved for charitable projects to achieve their goals.

The introduction of dialogue and two-way subject-to-subject communication—essential elements of the semiosociopsychological paradigm—can assist in eliminating these problems. The foundations of two-way communication—socialisation and prosocial behaviour—are the main steps towards engaging in charitable acts with correct altruistic motivation.

This article argues for the effectiveness of the semiosociopsychological paradigm for developing communication strategies for charities, since it affects the interactions of people with their environment, enabling the donors and recipients of charitable acts to form a unified image of the world and create goals for charitable projects, thus eliminating misunderstanding among charitable project members.


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Author Biography

Oxana Andrienko, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science

Student of the Doctoral Programme ‘Sociology of Management’ 


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How to Cite
AndrienkoO. (2020). The Semiosociopsychological Paradigm and the Development of a Communication Strategy for a Charity. Communications. Media. Design, 5(3), 124-144. Retrieved from
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