The Concept of the Dialogue by T. Dridze as a Relevant Tool for Cross-Cultural mediation in International Business

  • Sergei Sergeevich Kladko Innopolis University
Keywords: cross-cultural mediation, cross-cultural management, organizational behavior, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural dialogue


This article in memoriam of T. Dridze (1930-2000), a remarkable Russian sociologist, attempts to consider the applicability of the ideas she developed almost thirty years ago about the dialogue as a contact of meanings in relation to the realities of modern international business. To answer this question, the author compares the main provisions of the dialogue formulated by T. Dridze in her works on semiosociopsychology with modern research in the field of dialogue and cross-cultural management, and offers an expanded interpretation of the activities of a mediator-"translator" in such a dialogue from the point of view of cross-cultural mediation. The article also contains examples of practical application of cross-cultural mediation tools in a real business environment. The proposals mentioned in the work can be used to resolve intercultural misunderstandings in international business, namely when conducting international mergers and acquisitions, managing cross-cultural working groups, as well as developing artificial intelligence algorithms for cross-cultural services.


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Author Biography

Sergei Sergeevich Kladko, Innopolis University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Asistant Professor


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How to Cite
KladkoS. S. (2020). The Concept of the Dialogue by T. Dridze as a Relevant Tool for Cross-Cultural mediation in International Business. Communications. Media. Design, 5(3), 112-123. Retrieved from
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