Mobile Applications as an Information Distribution Channel in China and Russia: Comparative Analysis

  • Zhixue Zhang ByteDance Ltd.
Keywords: mobile applications, cross-cultural communications, communications in China, communications in Russia


Mobile applications are an essential component of the contemporary system of communication. In this article the mobile applications considered as an information distribution channel in China and Russia. The author focuses on identifying the similarities and differences between mobile applications used by Chinese and Russian users. This issue is considered through the prism of cross-cultural communications. Trends in the development of mobile applications in China and Russia are revealed. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of "self-journalism", the reasons for the popularity of applications with VR/AR technologies, the role of cultural differences and language barriers in the distribution of applications.


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Author Biography

Zhixue Zhang, ByteDance Ltd.

Master of Media Communications, Game Projects Manager at the ByteDance Ltd.


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How to Cite
ZhangZ. (2020). Mobile Applications as an Information Distribution Channel in China and Russia: Comparative Analysis. Communications. Media. Design, 5(2), 147-171. Retrieved from
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