Radio as a Source of Reliable Information in the Context of Media Dysfunctions
The article deals with the problem of reliability of information that is distributed by radio. Special attention is paid to modern aspects of radio functioning in the Russian media system. The author touches upon the existing theoretical views on the functions of radio, its genre structure, and expressive means of communication. In his opinion, for many years, such a significant possibility of radio broadcasting as democracy and accessibility has practically remained outside the research field, which significantly increases the adequacy of listeners ' perception of information. The Soviet period of research on the theory of journalism was still characterized by the fact that it was ideologically impossible to ignore the social function of radio.
However, the disproportion indicated by the author of the article was characteristic of the post-Soviet period, when there was a significant transformation of the entire system of domestic media. The author sees the reasons for this research attitude in the excessive attention of theorists and practitioners to the problems of functioning of other media, both traditional (periodicals, television) and new (network resources in the form of websites, portals, blogs, etc.).
The Central theme of the article is the hypothesis about the competitive advantage of radio as a channel for information dissemination, which consists in the dominant reliability of the information presented on the air, information, evidence, opinions, and facts. This advantage could be used to the maximum in the current difficult situation of declaEd quarantine, a sharp decrease in the number and quality of interpersonal communications. Possible variants of how the conventions of audio representation of the source information material can increase the efficiency of its perception are clearly demonstrated. And this, according to the author of the article, is the feature of radio that can form a trusting attitude to this source of information.
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