From Roadside Picnic (the Strugatsky Brothers) to Stalker (Tarkovsky): a Work of Adaptation

  • Zharko Milenic National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Ekaterina G. Lapina-Kratasyuk National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Strugatsky brothers, Andrei Tarkovsky, Science fiction, Soviet cinematography, Film adaptation, Art cinema


In this article, we compare the short novel Roadside Picnic (Piknik na obochine) by the Strugatsky brothers with different versions of scripts written by these novelists for the film Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky. We aim to explore the unique ways in which Tarkovsky’s artistic vision through the adaptation from literary work to film changes the framework and main features of the science fiction (sci-fi) genre. Although the Strugatsky brothers were the authors of the script, the film Stalker (which was actually shot twice because the first version was destroyed owing to a technological failure) was much different from the novel Roadside Picnic in regard to plot, character names, location, and many other features; therefore, the final film version of the script was also the work of Tarkovsky. Based on a sci-fi novel, the film extends far beyond the limits of this genre, and its artistic discoveries are not fully explained by the specificities of the parable genre, as the film was defined by critics. In Stalker, the last film made by Tarkovsky in the USSR, the work of adaptation is mostly replaced by the difficult and sometimes painful process of creating an author’s version of art cinema.


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Author Biographies

Zharko Milenic, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of a Doctoral Programme “Linguistics and Literature Studies”

Ekaterina G. Lapina-Kratasyuk, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
MilenicZ., & Lapina-KratasyukE. G. (2020). From Roadside Picnic (the Strugatsky Brothers) to Stalker (Tarkovsky): a Work of Adaptation . Communications. Media. Design, 5(4), 137-151. Retrieved from
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