Religion and Mediatization: Hermetic Object as a Challenge to the Theoretical 'Avant-Garde'
Examining the development of the mediatization theory, author analyzes its main concepts and problem areas, presenting both optimistic (medialization as a global «meta-process») and skeptical (mediatization as a fashionable «umbrella concept» or «bandwagon») arguments. The paper calls to check and critically evaluate the heuristic value and empirical significance of the mediatization theory. Waiting for its operationalization, researchers still apply to media studies reliable and proven philological and sociological methods. In its application to religion, mediatization is confronted with additional difficulties due to the specific characteristics of the object: a special language, special forms of manifestation, a fundamental dichotomy of the sacred and profane, which limit the depth of the research. Authors consider the concept of mediatization to be a «theoretical avant-garde» in media research, which further dynamics — and, in particular, the future of media and religion studies — depends on the results of the recent mediatization debate.
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