Temporary and Distributed Libraries: Breaking Boundaries, Creating New Resources

  • Alessandro Ludovico Southampton University
Keywords: libraries, librarianship, publishing, post-digital, archives, distributed libraries, temporary libraries, digitalisation, new media art


What is the role of traditional libraries in terms of the digitalization of ‘everything’? Their new strategic functions and physical forms are investigated, starting with the radical change induced by infinitely duplicable digital libraries and the shift of paradigm they induced: from a professionally curated collection to a distributed process with new potential actions and protagonists. The reliable archiving and retrieving of high-quality information should be acknowledged as a fundamental need in the vast ephemerality and overwhelming qualities of digital data. Tactics, practices, and possible trajectories are articulated, describing a new tactical and social librarianship.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Ludovico , Southampton University

PhD, Assistant professor at Winchester School of Art and Design, Southampton University (Winchester, UK)


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How to Cite
Ludovico A. (2019). Temporary and Distributed Libraries: Breaking Boundaries, Creating New Resources. Communications. Media. Design, 4(4), 103-111. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/10268
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